The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) now recognizes that burnout in physicians and nurses is so prevalent that Clinician Well-Being is one of the pillars to improve healthcare.
Catherine shared testimony at The Future of Nursing committee meeting in Seattle, Washington in August 2019.
The problem of nursing stress has existed for the past several decades… Now is the time for a solution!
Workplace Wellness Programs
We offer wellness sessions for staff consisting of the science and research of various modalities of mindfulness and stress reduction. This is both a short term solution to daily stress of the job and a long term solution for work-life balance. Focusing on relaxation, stress reduction, and mindfulness allows for staff to have more ease and focus as well as the longterm effects of have improved morale, enhanced vitality, and empowerment. Our programs support creating a new culture of wellness on your unit or institution. We offer train-the-trainer methodology for continued implementation once goals have been met. We can assist you in doing research on your unit regarding these methods of enhanced staff well-being.
~ Research shows that happier nurses have happier and healthier patients.
~ Nurses who take wellness breaks report less stress, less anxiety and less pain after returning to complete their shift.
~ NAM recognizes it is prudent to support nurses in any way as they carry out their role of caring for acutely- ill, complex, patients.
~ Techniques, programs and workshops are easy to implement for long-lasting value.